How do you tie the bows on the macramé bow holder?
Place the bows in the location you desire. Hold gently and wrap the band all the way around and then use the loop to secure it by placing it under the main part of the bow. Wallaaaa!!!
What is your turnaround time?
Items are made-to-order and ship within 1-5 days via USPS First Class Mail with standard tracking . Usually I’ll have some ready to ship items, but this mama tries to make them quickly.
How did you learn to macramé?
I always thought it was beautiful, but never really was something I was interested in learning. One day I just told myself, “hey you’re really good at braiding, this can’t be hard!” Good thing I’m a visual learner and I picked up in less than a day.
What made you start your business?
It’s always been a dream of mine to sell baby items. I just thought it was weird to sell to mamas/babies and not have a mini myself, but I was finally blessed with a little one and honestly I didn’t want to go back to work.
What type of material do you use in your macramé goods?
The rope I use is natural cotton cord and they very from thickness. The wooden rings are sand down to remove any splinters or scuffs.
What is the size of the wooden ring ?
The hole size is 4.6 cm and the whole ring is sized at 6.5 cm